Books I’ve read.
by Yuval Noah Harari
Measure What Matters
by John Doerr
by Emanuel Derman
Team of Teams
by General Stanley McChrystal
The Illustrated A Brief History of Time
by Stephen Hawking
The One Thing You Need to Know
by Marcus Buckingham
Thinking, Fast and Slow
by Daniel Kahneman
How Innovation Works
by Matt Ridley
The Red Queen
by Matt Ridley
by Geoffrey B. West
When We Cease to Understand the World
by Benjamin Labatut
The Science of Storytelling
by Will Storr
by David Graeber
Words and Rules
by Steven Pinker
The Varieties of Scientific Experience
by Carl Sagan
by Henry David Thoreau
The Selfish Gene
by Richard Dawkins
Sapiens [Tenth Anniversary Edition]
by Yuval Noah Harari
by Tim Harford
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Black Swan: Second Edition
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Influence, New and Expanded
by Robert B. Cialdini, PhD